
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Breaking It In

Camping your way across the US in Wal Mart parking lots is wonderful in many ways. It's free, there are groceries just a few feet away from you, along with a restroom.... What more could you need? We've spent the last couple days camping at another Army Corps of Engineers campground in Canyon Lake, TX. The kids have enjoyed being able to get out of the trailer and run around, something we seriously discouraged in the middle of a Wal Mart parking lot. We've also been hooked up to electricity and water, so we got to try out a few of the features of our trailer unexplored previously.

Living Large
Shower Time

I took our very first shower in our new home on wheels. What a fantastic experience!!!! I had beautifully hot water, the new shower head was amazing (we invested in an Oxygenics head that decreases your usage while maintaining good pressure), and I came out clean! I love it!!!

Fabulous View
Dining Area

We've also gotten to put up a bit more of our Christmas decorations, since we're not travelling every day. So while Canyon Lake is just a short stay, we've made it a bit more like home. We even spent a couple nights watching movies. Well, one movie. The kids are into the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it turns out that Return of the King is a hugely long movie. Which Bill and I know, we've watched it several times, but it just can't be watched all at once when you start at 8pm and want the kids to go to bed at a decent hour. We're still not finished with it. Hmm....

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