
Thursday, March 9, 2017


In the three months that we've had the trailer, we haven't had the time/opportunity to do much in the way of personalizing.  We've collected souveniers along the way that are displayed and we've hung a couple things, but we've not done a whole lot.  Not to the degree that we would like, since this is our full time home right now.   We changed that while at my parents' house.  The kids all wanted curtains, so I made curtains for the four in the bunks in the back and got those hung up.  You'll notice that only two of the four sets are hung up right now.  We had some difficulties as we were going to bed last night, and those were the two sets that remained up.  We're still working on solutions.  We also permanently hung the sign that Bill's aunt bought for us.  We had tried command hook hangers, but they didn't like the surfaces, so I picked up some locktite and stuck that baby up there.

 I also ordered a moon for the bathroom door.  Bill was looking for an outhouse sign, he thought that would be great to put up.  Amazon has some cool stuff, so this is now hanging on our bathroom door.  I did all of this while everyone else was away on their ski trip, so the kids came back to a different looking trailer.  J thought this was just great.                                
The one thing I was looking forward to the most is the one that is giving us the most difficulty.  I bought adhesive chalkboard stuff and put this on our wall next to our pantry.  My thought had been that it would be a great place to put up our chores list, leave up math explanations, write notes to each other, keep ourselves accountable for our Lenten promises.  I bought chalkboard colored pencils to go with this.  The adhesive on the chalkboard isn't great, so every morning and throughout the day we have to rub it down and get the bubbles out of it.  And the colored pencils that are "bold, vibrant colors"?  Not so much.  Sigh.  I thought about using washi tape to hold down the sides, and I need to pick up some actual chalk.  I'm hoping that once these things are done, this will be a functional space that makes me smile.      

I also went to Ikea with my mom and picked up some spice racks to use in each of the kids' spaces to use as a shelf for their stuff they want to keep close (books, alarm clocks, Legos...whatever) and a kitchen bar to hang things.  The kitchen still has stuff all over the counter, so you'll just have to imagine how cool it all is, and the kids' shelves have not all been hung.  Hook up with us along our journey, and we'd be happy to give you a tour!

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