
Tuesday, April 18, 2017


While living in houses, we always went to sunrise service on Easter.  Beat the crowds, start the day with the Lord, begin celebrating early.  Just our tradition.  Staying in campgrounds that are somewhat isolated can make getting to church a challenge, but we've been fairly good about it all.  If we're not travelling on a Sunday (and I try not to), we head out to mass.  

We've been going on for a while now without reservations anywhere.  This is hard when it's the busy time of the year, but right now, for the most part, it's been fairly easy.  Except that we're hitting spring breaks.  Oish.  We got to Merchants Millpond without a reservation, and they were tight.  We could get a spot for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights in a row, but Easter weekend was pretty full.  We signed on for those nights, but I was stressing out about Easter Triduum.  I wanted to BE somewhere, so I didn't have to worry about moving about and finding a church and all that hullabaloo.  Turned out, if we moved Friday morning, there was a spot perfect for us for the whole weekend.  Whew!  So we got to stay all Holy Week in one campground, no fuss.  Unfortunately, the church I found had no sunrise service, but the 10:15 was nice, and far more doable since the church was about 40 minutes away.  
Since mass was later than our normal Easter mass, we got in our egg hunt BEFORE church.  Limited space and such meant getting creative.  I usually do a bunch of eggs for each kid.  Money and candy.  This year, the money eggs were all that I hid, and I combined them more than I would have in a house.  So they each got two eggs to find.  I signed their notes with an EB, which confused NB. "Why is it signed Eb?"  NS came up with Ebeneezer Bunchabuns for those initials, and so now that's who the Easter bunny is.  Thanks, N-men!              
K also worked hard throughout the week on a play they put on for us at dinner time.  K wrote and directed it, and it was great.  They spent a lot of time rehearsing it during the week, which was great to see.  All in all, it was a great Easter for us!