
Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Our friends have come at last!  They actually joined us for dinner the night before, but this is our first outing all together.  We traipsed around the Schoodic Peninsula checking out tide pools.  Our goal was to get out to Little Moose Island near low tide.  About an hour or so before low tide through an hour or so after low tide is when the island is accessible, other than that the water is over the route to the island.  We were warned by another family about seemingly innocent mud.  Apparently their daughter sunk to the edge of her shorts in the stuff.  We were fortunate and avoided that fate!            
The kids had a lot of fun checking out the pools.  The biggest find of the day was small crabs.  Those thrilled the kids so much--they loved to catch them.  I think the rocky environment led to their enjoyment, too.  Scrambling around is way cooler than just walking through some boring old sand or something.                  
Bill and I headed out to the island while the others were checking out the tide pools.  As soon as they noticed we were headed out, though, those guys kinda trickled over.  G and Z stayed back, but everyone else made it all the way out.  There was a bit of maneuvering to get out to the island, but it wasn't really a bad hike.  We didn't spend a lot of time on the island because of the tide schedule and the fact that we had spent a lot of time investigating the tide pools.  I'm so glad we did it, though, it was a cool little adventure.              
We took a picnic dinner over to Tidal Falls to show Ruwan and Cici and the kids the amazing tide change that goes on over there.  While we were there, another family came along and their girls helped our gaggle of kiddos find and hold crabs.  Those girls were fantastically fast at catching the crabs, too.  I was really impressed.  I was also really impressed with how kind and generous these girls were with strangers.  They did an awesome job.                
We weren't the only ones who had dinner at Tidal Falls, or even the only ones enjoying the tide pools, or even the only ones enjoying the fact that crabs are easier to find and catch.  This little dude put all those activities into one!  So clever.  I want you to remember the look of the water at Tidal Falls.  We also visited at low tide, and that made quite the difference.


  1. Aren't you glad you don't have to deal with Alfred, too!
    Kids won't be able to say, "we never go anywhere".
