Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Schooling Update

Schooling on the road is hard.  My kids are getting a kickin' education, but the paper and bookwork is hard to fit in.  Fortunately my youngest three have a math curriculum that has short and quick lessons, so they've finished up with those books and we are working on concepts a few minutes at a time.  The older boys, not so lucky.  G wants to change curriculum for his math, and I'm with him.  The problems always seem to be something like:  Problem 1.  Problem 1a.  Problem 1ai.  And he'll have 63 or so problems.  Plus all the a-c and the i-iii.  Grading that for me, especially trying to figure out the weighting of it all, is such a pain in the ass.  We're fortunate that my sister gave us Teaching Textbooks, so we can move G to Algebra in that curriculum.  BUT, before we go that way, my mom lent us her Algebra 1 DVD course.  I think NS will have more success if I can work one on one with him when we're at houses.  Sigh.  We're just not at places long enough to settle down and set up a schedule.  Plus we're busting to see all there is to see.  And we've seen amazing things and learned a great deal about our country.  And maybe, just maybe, we'll learn a bit more about organization, cooperation, family life, and getting our work done.

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