Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Picacho Peak

We've been staying at Picacho Peak State Park in Arizona, less than an hour away from Tucson. We've really been enjoying out campsite. It's nice to be in one space for a long time, you can get some of your chores done, hang out and do nothing. All this hanging out in the trailer can lead to a bit of, "you're in my space"-ness. So Kayleigh and left the boys at the trailer and did a hike in the park.

Calloway Trail

See that? That's the smile of a person who's left their siblings behind. Ah, the wide open space, the smell of cacti, the distinct lack of boys... It's the perfect getaway from a couple of gals who live in 150 sq ft with five guys. And not, Five Guys, but five unruly gentle(?)men.


K with the dead saguaro. It was fascinating to see the inside of the cacti. There were many alongside the trail, so we saw varying states of decay. Pretty cool.

Hugging Cacti

How close can you get to a cacti without getting injured? Pretty close, if you're pretty careful! K thought it was a good idea to test our steadiness by getting as close to the cactus as possible, without swaying or slipping. Me oh my. But I did it!!! No injuries here, I'm happy to announce.

Strawberry Hedgehog

I think this may be my favorite cacti. After our hike, we went back to the ranger station and asked what this crazy critter is. Strawberry Hedgehog. Duh. As if it'd be named anything else. She did say that in March/April, this sucker shows magenta red blooms. I want one.

Barrel Cactus

K and I also want Barrel Cacti. I think NB might have also expressed an interest. We asked, and they do indeed sell them in nurseries/home improvement stores. So we'll be shopping that one around this week. Yeah!

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